
Greeting Star Citizens and Wing Commanders!

It’s been a long time coming to see this dream realized from the time when I was a boy playing Wing Commander and getting sucked into the dogfights and drama of being a star fighter in verse far far away.

I first heard about Star Citizen in 2016 and quickly had a ship and the dreams of my copy of Squadron 42, the game was still heavily in developement so I learned what I could, enjoyed the dogfights and searched the web for anything that could enhance my gameplay. It’s been awhile since I’ve been on and I see that the game has come a long way so I’m eager to back in and fire up my thrusters.

I enjoy PVP and dogfights, but I am a lefty, and early in the game you couldn’t map your keys (hopefully things have changed) so it never felt natural, but I always made do. I’m excited to try salvaging and mining and ill always have a sweet spot for bounty hunting.

Sorry for the essay, but I’m very excited to join a guild that has deep ties in cooperation and organization. Being an “older” gamer has never bothered me, but having like minds that can share a collective history is something I certainly look forward to. Not to mention one of my best friends is happily a member and we’ve always dreamed of this coming to fruition.

Thank you for the oppurtunity to be considered for the ADI family.


Karv Drogo


My Man… Lets get it!

Welcome to ADI Karv!

We have many ways to gather together a group and go do some epic things out in the 'verse, maybe we could meet up and do that at some point :slight_smile:

See you out in the 'verse! Fly safe o7

Welocme Karv. You certainly have had a journey with the game. I can see and feel your excitement. Glad to have you here. Enjoy the group gameplay and the fun that brings. :slight_smile:

Welcome to ADI Karv Drogo. I look forward to meeting you in the Verse. One thing of note… ADI has a few “older” gamers! I am one of them. :slight_smile: Will see you soon.

Welcome to ADI Karv! You’ve found a great place to “hang your hat!” Always great adding to our “older gamer” ranks! CYA round the Verse soon!

Hi Drogo! welcome aboard!
Plenty of “old gamers” here so, again, welcome into the ADI tribe bud.
See you in space o7

Thanks for all the well wishes and the late night/early morning session last night. I only almost died once. Met a lot of cool characters yesterday and got a chance to do some mining for the first time. All the while being chauffeured around in an 890, which is breathtaking to say the least. Thanks again to all the members I met yesterday, if you get a chance, please send me a friend request. There were too many names, and it was too early in the morning for me to remember them all. Thanks for making the first impression everything I hoped it would be.



Hello KarvDrogo,
Welcome, and don’t hesitate to ask for help if ever needed. See you in the verse! o7

PS - I too am a lefty and we are now supported, so YAY!

Welcome to ADI, friend! Good to add another ‘old gamer’ to the ranks, all the better to shake our canes and yell “THAT ISN’T MUSIC!” at the youngs at random intervals. See you out there.

Welcome to ADI, KarvDrogo!

I’ve been meaning to play some Wing Commander, yet I’ve not gotten around to it (but I did watch the movie, lol!). SQ42 being so close to release has me hyped as well! Single player games were my jam for many years after quitting WoW in WoTLK, until I found SC of course. It’s very nice to see enthusiasm for this amazing game!

Hope to see you in the 'Verse!

I couldn’t agree with this more. Decades of trying to fill the void that Wing Commander Privateer left. Hand’t found a comparable game since; well until SC. Happy to have another Wing Commander enthusiast around. There are a few of us here. Look forward to seeing you in the Verse!

Welcome to ADI Karv! Though I’ve only backed since 2022, I def can feel you in being a pilot in a far off verse!

Great to have you here KarvDrogo! If things have not changed enough for you regarding mappings I recommend trying Joy2Key!

Welcome to ADI KarvDrogo. we are glad to have you here and I look forward to seeing you in the game.