Dredgencayde 6 intro post

Whats up yall, Im dredgencayde6, as my name states hah. yall can call me dred, dredgen, cayde, whatevers easiest.
Im down to do whatever, just lookin for a steady group that I can join.

welcome aboard Dred, you’re in the right place if you’re looking for a group like that.
See you in space o7

Glad to have you on board. Hope to see you in some of the new Overdrive Initiative missions.

Welcome to ADI! Lot’s happening this weekend in SC so it is an especially good time to join us :slight_smile:

Glad to have you aboard! You’re in the right place, hope to meet you in the verse sometime :smile:

I say we call you “Judge”! LOL! Welcome aboard!

Welcome to ADI Dred!

We almost always have a group doing something out in the 'verse. I am sure you are bound to find some fellow citizens to do some fun things out there

See you out in the 'verse! Fly safe o7

Welcome to ADI Dre. A steady group is what you’ll find her, from early morning to night. I look forward to teaming up with you.

If you want a steady group to game with, you came to the right place. Keep an eye on the calendar for scheduled events and training. The chat groups are always an excellent opportunity to keep busy with unscheduled events or relaxed gameplay. It is great having you, and I look forward to seeing you in the verse.

Welcome to ADI. we are glad to have you here and I look forward to seeing you in the game.

Welcome aboard dredgencayde6!

Welcome in to ADI, dredgen!

Hopefully you’re hopping in Discord #Chatting (or maybe even politely checking in the #group rooms) to group with some fellow members! There’s definitely a lot of group play going on these days.

I hope to see you in the 'verse!