Howdy, I’m new to SC and looking to learn the game from experienced players. I stay pretty busy during the week with work and kids, but try to play a little each day. I’ve been playing for about a week now and saving up to buy a new ship by running hauling missions. I’d like to get into other aspects of the game such as bounty hunting and mining.
Welcome welcome, we have tons of players who enjoy doing all sorts of game loops, im sure youll find groups to join and help one another out
Welcome to ADI it was great talking to you if you ever want to crew a turret let me know and ill be more then happy to pull some bounty contracts for you so you can get a head start on it
Thank you, I may take you up on that when I get some free time that works with your schedule.
Good to see you in ADI, Terrach. No matter your schedule there will be ADI members that can help you and teach you about SC.
Welcome Terrach! You came to the right place, theres always someone around to join up with here
Good deal. Thanks for the welcome.
Hello and welcome! Jump on discord, always someone earning benny’s in here! If you see someone doing ERT’s (bounty missions) its really good money for the cargo! Fell free to ask any questions in here or on discord, someone will always answer See you in the verse!
Thanks. I’ve been grouping up and doing Mercenary Contracts.