Storm35 intro

hi im josh aka storm im 28years old, backer since 2015, and im from PA, USA. Just looking for a group of guys to play SC with and experience the alpha as it goes.

looking forward to playing with you all

Hey man, great talking with you. Welcome to ADI, hope we can get out there and run some CZ’s when i make it there lol.

Hey and welcome to ADI! You’ll find plenty of people to play with, hope to run those CZ together someday, see you in the verse!

Hey, welcome! Alpha’ gonna alpha, but it’s finally turning into a good multiplayer game with things to do for a large org. Looking forward to seeing you in chat.

Heya Storm, thats when I also started backing. Great to have you join us. Looking forward to adventuring with you.

Hi, Storm35! Welcome to ADI. SC has grown so much, and I’m glad to be out there with you as it creeps toward SQ42 and 1.0!

Welcome to ADI there are always people grouping up to play and do all sorts of activity’s

Welcome to ADI!

Always welcome to play whenever you see me in voice! Hop in anytime and we can do some stuff together!

Happy to have you join us Storm35, we are all happy to help here!

Welcome abord! ADI is a great place to be, there are many events that we do as a org and it is amazing. If you have the time, give one a shot. look forward to seeing you out there.

Welcome to ADI! Glad to have you here!

Welcome to ADI storm35,

hope you find what you are looking for here. I too am looking forward to working with you in the future.

don’t forget to check the forums often and sign up for our Marine and combat pilot training, ORG OPS will also be posted so sign up for those as well and I will see you out there.