Qravey Intro

Hey all, I’m qrave (qravey in sc) from the UK, 37 years old with a wife and kids IRL. I started SC a few years ago but recently returned for 4.0. I’ve been salvaging, hitting up bunkers and done my first bounty.

Looking for people to play with generally and work together ingame =]

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Welcome to ADI it was great talking with you look forward to running bounties with you

Welcome to ADI!

Hop in anytime you want and we can bring you along with us!

Welcome aboard Qravey! It’s a great time to join us. These are great game loops. Looking forward to adventuring with you.

Welcome qrave, salvaging is a great game loop, there are many opportunities to see some cool things out there. I love to do bounties, if you see me in a vc feel free to join in!

Welcome to ADI!! Looking forward to playing with you!

Welcome to ADI, Qravey! The bunkers call to us.

Welcome to ADI. Good time to return for sure and good org to join in for the fun. I’ve been having a blast in 4.0.

Hey There! Welcome to ADI!! I love hitting up bunkers so if you ever see me one let me know and i will hit some up with you. Looking forward to seeing you in the verse!

Welcome to ADI Qravey,

Hope you find what you are looking for here @ ADI. lots of cool things in SC 4.0. ADI has a great plan for the future one you can be apart of. Buckle up and enjoy going to be a wild couple years going forward.

Don’t forget to log in and check the forums often, Sign up for any ORG OPS that interest you and participate in as many training sessions as you can to understand the lingo for the org ops.

see you out there o7.

Hey and welcome! How was this first bounty? If thats something You like to do we will definitely meet up in the verse some day :wink: