Mapping PTT (Discord & SRS) to HOTAS in Addition to Mouse?

Since this is a common enough need and sometimes unclear, best make a post about it:

Anyone know how to map your push to talk chat (PTT) to your VPC throttle?
In addition to your mouse button?
Because flight action and FPS action require it, IMHO.

For Discord how?

And for SRS how?

Thanks in advance, folks!

Map a KB command. Map said KB command to a button. I don’t have Virpil but I’m sure the same applies.

Edit: I use button four on my mouse; and I mapped button four (on my mouse) to a button on my throttle.

I’ll make a how to guide after figuring this out.

Thanks again.

While adding a new (STEM) module to my HOTAS, I noticed that VKB Device Config does support F13-F24.
