Login busted?

Is it just me or is the login broken? Yesterday everything worked but as of right now I can’t login to anything SC. Game, Spectrum, RSI web, etc.

They were having massive problems yesterday, should be better today.

Ok, thanks for this info cause I thought my account was hacked or something :sweat_smile:

I can’t log in right now.
Enter info; it spins (thinks) for a second, then does nothing…

I was having issues with my login - I just cleared my launchers cache, waited a few minutes then entered my details in again and that worked for me. But they are still showing issues affecting the PU atm.

I decided to delete the cookies for https://robertsspaceindustries.com/ and that fixed the RSI website and Spectrum. The game client corrected itself after a little time. However, getting disco’d while playing has been a regular occurrence.