KingDoooom - Intro

Hi everyone! Im KingDoooom and I’ve been playing star citizen on and off for about 2 years now. Im a computer engineering student and I recently got back into the game after a while. Im excited to be apart of this community! I love just about every part of this game, especially fps and ship combat.

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Greetings KingDoooom,

Good talking to you today. Looking forward to flying with ya in the verse!


Welcome to ADI @KingDoooom! Glad to have you here! Hope to catch you in chat sometime!

Glad to see you in ADI and I hope to see you around!

Welcome @KingDoooom to ADI, there is always a lot going on here in ADI and amazing people are always around. Hope to see you out in the verse!

Hey @KingDoooom and welcome to ADI O7
Hope to see ya out there.

Welcome @KingDoooom hope to see you on .

Welcome to ADI! Look forward to seeing you out in the verse!

Welcome to ADI, Glad to see ya!

Hello KingDoooom!

Welcome back to Star Citizen and to our community! It’s fantastic to have a computer engineering student on board, bringing both your technical expertise and enthusiasm for the game. Two years of experience definitely makes you a seasoned player, and your excitement to rejoin the Star Citizen universe is contagious.

It’s great to hear that you enjoy every part of the game, with a particular passion for FPS and ship combat. Those are thrilling aspects that add so much depth to the overall experience. Your love for these elements will undoubtedly make a positive impact on our community, whether through shared strategies, tips, or engaging discussions about your favorite in-game moments.

Feel free to share your experiences, ask questions, or just chat about the game with fellow enthusiasts. We’re all here to support each other and make the most of our Star Citizen adventures. Here’s to many more exciting journeys and epic space battles with you, KingDoooom!

Welcome to ADI, King! Glad to have you aboard! If you need any help with anything please don’t hesitate to ask. Looking forward to flying with you in the Verse!

Welcome to ADI, KingDoooom! The levels of magic this game will be bringing over the next few years is astounding, isn’t it?! Let me know if I can ever help with anything! See you around.

Hello and welcome to ADI! We got lots of people who enjoy ship fights and FPS as well as pretty much every other loop in the game if you want to mix it up. See you in the 'verse.

Hi KingDoooom welcome to ADI, hope you’re enjoying all the feature updates we’ve had. Some exciting content for us all next year for sure. Hope to see you in the verse soon.