Introduction - savagesarge

My name is Austin, I am 29 years old. I am married with two children. Therefore, I tend to play in the evenings starting at approximately 8-9 pm EST. As for my playstyle, I am a very task-oriented person who loves helping others. I am a fairly new SC player with around 1 year of experience. I am coming back to the verse from a long break so I am basically learning the ropes again. I have been in the United States Army for 10 years as a wheeled vehicle mechanic ranging from different assignments. Served 3-4 years active duty and the rest as reserves. I am currently a sergeant with 6 great soldiers. Hope to be accepted in the ORG as I see myself being the verse for the foreseeable future!


@savagesarge Welcome to ADI. Glad to have you here. Looks like we just need to get you onboarded to get you into the organization. Just follow the steps here: Welcome to Atlas Defense Industries | Atlas Defense Industries to get set up for Mumble. Then hop into the lobby and we can get you all set up so you can join us in the verse!

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Welcome to ADI! It was nice meeting you, and I hope to see you in the game!

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Welcome to ADI!!! Looking forward to seeing you in the verse and having some good times

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Welcome @savagesarge to ADI! Plenty of helpful folks here to get you connected and oriented. I suggest spending the time you can on the Mumble “chatting” and the Discord “org_chat” channels - Great sources for useful information and good spots to connect with folks. See you around!

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Welcome to ADI, and glad to have you on board! Also on the east coast with a two year old so evenings after 9 it is! We have a lot of ex and active mil in the org so hope you’ll feel welcome. Thank you for your service and look forward to flying w ya in the 'verse!

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Thank you to everyone for the hospitality it was great meeting a handful of you during the onboarding process which was very clear, concise, and professional. I truly look forward to seeing everyone in the verse!

Welcome to ADI, @savagesarge! If you’re in the Mumble server with me later on and you need help with anything (or even just wanna make some money to buy a ship), let me know and I’ll help out. :smile:

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I may take you up on that, would be nice to have someone to run with for a change! I just got into delivery missions paying 15k as I was running into a glitch resulting in my weapons to not firing which ruled out any fps missions lol! However, I enjoy every aspect of the game so whatever you would like to do, I’m interested!

Welcome to ADI @savagesarge !!! If you ever want to get into cargo running hit me up on discord or mumble! See you in the verse!!!