Introduction - JamesJCapone


I am JamesJCapone. I am new to Star Citizen and was looking for an org to join to help guide me.

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Welcome to ADI JJ! Or should I call you Al? :smiley: CYA round the Verse! o7

Welcome! Can’t wait to fly with ya!

Welcome to ADI JamesJCapone. we are glad to have you here and I look forward to seeing you in the game.

Welcome in ADI mafi…ehm i mean family :stuck_out_tongue:
See you in the 'verse o7
(checking pillow for a dead horse head :stuck_out_tongue: )

Welcome to ADI JamesJCapone. I’m sure you’ll find there are plenty of knowledge members here to help guide you along.

Welcome to ADI, Glad I could help you get settled in the org and hope to see you out there in the verse! Let me know if you need anything. O7

Is it alright if I call ya JJCapone? It’s got a nice ring to it.

If you need a guide on everything from piloting, groundwork, and all of the other inner workings in the verse, I’ve got you covered. Find me in the Discord to get something scheduled up and running.

Welcome to ADI!

Welcome to ADI Capone. This shall be fun for a new comer. SC has so much to offer.

Thanks for the warm welcome! Im currently reinstalling the game because it wasnt working correctly :confused:

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Hey James! Welcome aboard! This is the place to be if you want to learn about the game in a friendly atmosphere.

Hello James! We are super pumped to have you on board. ADI is a great org to learn and grow with! Reach out anytime you need anything.

Hello Capone,
Welcome to ADI, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you ever need help. See you in the verse! o7

Welcome to the ADI family Mr. Capone. You’ve come to the right place. Feel free to reach out to anyone at ADI we are a helpful resource to all that SC has to offer and if we cannot help we will find someone who can. Fly safe and I look forward to seeing you in the Verse! o7