Introduction Caelum

Hey everyone! My name is Caelum, 36 years old. been a backer since 2013 and regular the SC forum on a daily base :slight_smile: been playing games since my 5e, but never have played many Space sims. Big fan of everything space related though. I consider myself a nice guy, a team player, happy go lucky, bit shy and like for everyone to have a good time. I mostly play support roles in game and love to back you guys up later in game with medical and traveling support! Always in for a chat, so let’s all be friends :smiley:

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Welcome to ADI Caelum! Woah long time backer since almost the very beginning :open_mouth:

Enjoyed talking to you on Mumble, hope to see you in the Verse.

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Cheers TR0PHY, was nice to meet you and Water :slight_smile: I’ll have platform ready for ya and the coffee/tea warmed up when the time comes when the Kraken gets released :wink: And for all of ADI ofc!

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Hi @Caelum_nld,

Welcome to the org mate. Nice to see somebody that was backing up the game since the early stage, also, nice to see somebody enjoying playing support roles,

Have a great new year and see you in the verse.


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Hiya Raven! Thanks for the comment :slight_smile: I’ll keep you and your ships up and running as good as I can. You too have a great New Year and stay save!

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@Caelum_nld I also like supporting roles more than pure fighting :smiley:

We should definitely fly together sometimes

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Same here. I love to heal in games, letting people know they can take that step forward knowing that someone is watching their back. I love CIG even more for inventing jobs like spaceliner pilot with ships like the Genesis. I would love to play this game without touching my ships from time to time. Just playing the game FPS style in a world where everyone is using spaceships and be dependent on (N)PC ships other than my own to travel the galaxies. Will make flying your own ships afterwards feel more rewarding I think :wink:

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Welcome to ADI, Caelum. Glad you joined. Once CIG adds more game mechanics, I also look forward to the support role during Org Ops. Operating a starfairer to refuel ships, or transporting ground vehicles with a Hercules sounds like fun. The mutiplayer ships are a big reason I switched over to SC from Elite Dangerous. I hope to see you in the Verse.

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Welcome to ADI Caelum. I’m always glad you joined the team. My first and last space sim before SC was Freelancer, the game upon which SC’s PU is based. It’s cool you like to play support roles but don’t discount the satisfaction that comes from mining; be it in a Prospector, a MOLE or hand (FPS) mining. I look forward to seeing you in game.

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Welcome welcome.

Nice to see another long time backer! If you have any questions about the org, feel free to ask.

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Welcome, Caelum, glad to have you aboard! If you need any help with anything please don’t hesitate to ask. Looking forward to flying with you in the Verse!

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Yeah! Got my new set of replies :smiley: I would love to come with a miner and see what it is all about when I get back to my PC in februari :smiley:

Welcome to ADI, SC is truely a space sim treat, Chris Roberts is the godfather of space sim, and im glad you have you on board

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I am glad to be here :slight_smile: 2020 will be a great year for SC! Looking forward to experiencing it in this Org :wink:

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