Hello, I am Ace_Galacton. I started playing SC after the 4.0 patch. I used to play Elite Dangerous, got disappointed with the planet surface exploration system. Then I saw people having a blast in Jumptown event with NO LOADING SCREEN. I immediately bought star citizen.
I also like RPG games like POE2, Cyberpunk, and GTA franchise.
Hope you will have a great time playing SC, just remember the game is not finished and with that in mind I am sure you will have a lot of fun! Jump in whenever you feel like it!
Welcome to ADI, Ace_Galacton! It’s a great time to come to SC as in 4.0 we have now crossed a huge development boundary and the devs will be focusing on quality of life issues this year. So while there some major issues with the game state right now, things should dramatically improve over the next few months. Let me know if I can be helpful in any way. Looking forward to adventuring with you.
Awesome! All good games to come from. I actually quit E:D when they dropped the expansion (not knocking it; just realized SC was better ‘today’). Hope to see you around in chat.
Hope you like Star Citizen, hands down better then ED in my opinion. 4.0 is a great time to join hope the bugs and stability don’t bother you, that is always a challenge for players coming to SC for the first time is dealing with the Alpha state of the game.
Don’t forget to check the forums and sign up for any org ops and training opportunities that interest you.
Hi Ace_Galacton, and welcome to ADI! I enjoy some space trucking solo in Elite Dangerous, but there’s no comparison to some of the great Star Citizen moments I’ve had, especially with our ADI brothers and sisters. Enjoy your new home!