Intro: Icyblades

New to SC been playing fps and some flight sim games prior to joining looking to run similar type contracts.

Hey @Icyblades, great to have you here and welcome to ADI. FPS and flight sims? Hell yeah, you gonna like it here. We have events lined up every week to help you train skills in them and have some fun. You can also hit me up on mumble or discord when I am online and ill be happy to do some contracts with you. See you in the verse!

Howdy, welcome to ADI. We look forward to seeing you in mumble and in game to have some good times. If you have any questions, just ask a member or team lead.

Welcome to Atlas Defense Industries, @Icyblades ! We’re thrilled to have you on board. As a newcomer to Star Citizen (SC), it’s great to hear that you already have experience in FPS and flight sim games. That background will definitely come in handy as you embark on your journey with us.

If you have any questions or need assistance at any point, feel free to reach out to our experienced members or leadership via your Chain of Command (CoC) our extensive database of resources. We’re committed to helping you succeed and make the most out of your journey with Atlas Defense Industries.

Once again, welcome to the team, Icyblades! Prepare for thrilling adventures and lucrative contracts as we stand together against the challenges of the Star Citizen universe.

Welcome IcyBlades! Glad to have you aboard!

Welcome to ADI Icyblades. we are glad to have you here and I look forward to seeing you in the game.

Welcome! Can’t wait to run combat-stuff wicha if thats what you like to do

Hello Icyblades and welcome aboard!
See you in the 'verse o7

Welcome aboard.

Keep an eye on the calendar for scheduled events; our chat groups are a great place to join a random adventure. We have folks of every skill level in every gameplay, so this is the perfect place to enjoy SC and improve your skills. See you in the verse.