Howdy from Pottatonugget

Hello all it’s Pottatonugget. I’m fairly new to the Verse and have been looking at orgs and ADI caught my eye.

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Hey there, Nugget. Welcome, glad to have you. The Verse is best travelled in a pack. :slight_smile:

Good evening, Pottatonugget welcome aboard ADI and Star Citizen Hope you enjoy the game and have an amazing time with us!

Hi Pitta, welcome to ADI.

Welcome to ADI. Ask away, loads of people new and old that can help your way through the Verse! See you out there!

Welcome to ADI pottatonugget, glad to see we caught your eye. If you ever want help with missions, a tour of the many sights to see in Star citizen, or just some knowledge of the verse, myself and others here are always happy to help

Welcome to ADI Pottatonugget. I’m glad you joined the team. I look forward to your participation in Mining & Salvage’s weekly mining exercises.

welcome aboard Pottatonugget