Hey There people

I’m completely new to this game and am looking for help.

Welcome to ADI @Abbadon2112! Nice talking to you. Lots of members can help teach you. Hope you have a good time. Looking forward to seeing you in the Verse!

Welcome @Abbadon2112,

Make sure you watch some of the Twitch streams, that is one of the best ways to learn about the game as well as meet new people.

These are just some of the streamers from our org:


See you in the verse

Great to have you at ADI @Abbadon2112
If you ever have questions about the game, don’t hesitate to ask on discord or mumble, everyone will be happy to help out!
See you in the verse!

Welcome to the org,
We have people all around as well as staff that would be happy to help.
Our ops and certs are a good way to gain Exp, to keep an eye on the forums.
hope you enjoy your time with us and ill see you around

Hello @Abbadon2112 welcome to ADI

Welcome to ADI, what do you look forward doing in the verse? Don’t be afraid to jump into mumble and get help from others and just get together and do stuff together.

Welcome, Abbadon, glad to have you aboard! If you need any help or have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask , we’re always here to help. Looking forward to flying with you in the Verse!

Welcome to ADI, Mumble man is the place to be, theirs always people playing that are super helpful and nice ask away.

Welcome Abbadon2112, good to have you with us. If you have any questions feel free to ask. I hope to be flying with you soon, so see you in the verse!

Welcome Abbadon2112, I suggest you just pop into the Mumble channel anytime and see what others are doing. Many of us are simply experimenting and learning things as well and sometimes that’s easier in a group.

Welcome Abandon! Great to have you in ADI! See you in the verse.

Welcome @Abbadon2112! ADI is a great place to get into the game, always someone on and always someone who can aid and answer questions. Catch you on mumble!

Welcome to ADI. I’d be more than willing to help you and I am sure there are plenty of others. Let me know if you need anything and we can chat on Mumble

Hey There Abbadon2112!

Welcome to ADI :slight_smile:

Hope to see you on Mumble so we can help you out, if you have any questions feel free to ask an ADI staff and we will reach out to help you.


Hey Abbadon2112,

Whatever questions you have we’d be happy to help you out either here on the forums, on the discord, or hop on mumble and talk to us directly!

Welcome to ADI Abbadon. This is the place to seek help. Just ask.