Hi all, Organgrinder here, I fly a Starfarer and a Cutlass Black. Neither all that well just yet but I’m getting a bit of flight time in here and there and learning new stuff all time. In game I’m looking forward to running the starfarer most of the time to help the organization on long missions etc. Ive been trying to get on mumble but my computer doesn’t recognize my Turtle beach Mic for some reason so I might be getting a new headset and giving this one back to my son for his PS4. Anyway looking forward to being in game with you all and getting to know new people!
Hey there Organigrinder - welcome to the ADI community!
Regarding your mic - make sure the turtle beach headset is defined as both your default playback device as well as your default recording device. Sometimes not having these parameters set properly can cause issues.
I always like to make it clear that if you have any questions while you are here, don’t hesitate to reach out and ask one of us - we will do our best to get you the answers you are looking for.
Welcome again and I look forward to getting some game time in with you.
Please note it could take a day or two for your application to be processed. That said - the only thing this will delay is your access to the private forums here on this site - once your onboarding is complete you are free to get fully engaged with the ADI community!
welcome to ADI!
Some great ships you have there. I am sure they will be fun to fly, and to crew up in…
Sometimes my settings in mumble are set to default device instead of the actual device I am using…
Heya organ if you see me around sometimes just hit me up and we can fly together!
Welcome to ADI.
Nice ships you got there, if it’s busy on mumble just ask people to jump in the PU. Most of us love a bit of multi-crew action. We had quite an eventful trip in a constellation owned by @masteryoung last night.
Come say hello on Mumble, I am always after a new wingman.
Welcome to ADI! I’m looking forward to flying some cargo runs with you in the 3.0. The starfarer should be a great ship for it. I hope you get your mic working or is it sorted out yet? Does the mic work outside mumble? Sometimes there might be a problem with the usb-port or audio-port so try another port if available.
See you in mumble and discord!
Hi and welcome @Organgrinder to ADI glad to see you on bored and if you need anything. Don’t hesitate to send me a PM on here, discord or just grab me if you see me on Mumble and I’ll do my best to help you we are all here to help each other at the end of the day. I’m always about if you just want to fly or play a few rounds of star marine that’s great with me. And hope to see you soon
Hello @Organgrinder, good to have you buddy. o7
Space trucking will make all the difference, especially hauling fuel on those long range org missions. You are most welcome. Hope to talk to you on mumble as soon as you get set up for that.
Welcome to ADI, I am also really excited about long org missions. Feel free to look me up.