Hello! I'm Centurion!

Hi, I’m Centurionmk3! You can call me Cent, Centy, or 3! I aspire to be a dropship pilot! If you have any questions about me feel free to ask!

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Hi Cent, welcome to ADI. What attracted you to ADI and What ship are you sporting ATM? See you in mumble

Welcome to ADI Centurionmk3. I’m glad you joined the team. I look forward to running into you.

Hello Centurion, Welcome to ADI can’t wait to see you in the verse. You said you aspire to be a dropship pilot. That is awesome to know! Hope to see you in ‘The Prowler’ Dropship due to it being ‘Flight Ready’

Hey Cent,
Welcome to ADI, looking forward to seeing you dropping the good guys off to protect my hauler debris :smiley:

Hey Cent, welcome aboard. Feel to reach out to other team members on Mumble and group up.

See you in the verse.