Hello from Joannes

Hello Fellowship Of the internet!

Technically my name is Joannes, but please, call me John. I was born in 1990, which makes me 27 as of writing this. My english is fairly decent, my accent is probably rather Dutch and that’s where i am from as well. (Dutchlandia)

I play games, i currently study medical informatics and computer sciences, i have finished a degree in medicine, something i did not enjoy, hence i am doing something else right now.

I enjoy gaming, i try to balance game development, study and work with gaming itself, something that is not always easy but hey, life is life. I work and study mostly at home, so i am available on comms a lot, i will linger and lurk a lot and almost always be online for at least pokes. I might chill muted when busy and just mute and unmute when ever i have time to chill.

Currently i play some PUBG, Eve online and hopefully Star Citizen once it doesn’t completely lag me out of my ship at every launch.

Well i guess that’s that.

Hopefully see you guys out there once the whole process is done!

Hi Joannes,
Yesssssshhhh a fellow Dutchie here, I promise to pronounce your name right or stick to “sjohn” as you stated.

Welcome to ADI a solid choice. Looking forward to roam the universe with you I’m with FS.

Bye changenl

Great to have you on board and thanks for bearing with me going through the onboarding process. Look forward to introducing you in mumble pub later today.

hi Joannes, thank you for that detailed introduction, nice to meet you. hope to see you on mumble, you’re always welcome to join us in the ptu or pu.

Welcome! John, if it makes you feel any better then you can still practice medicine in the game. I am interested to see how complex they develop that mechanic. Regardless of what you choose to do, I am sure that it will be a fun time. See you in-game!