I am posting this primarily to pass on a couple things I’ve discovered testing 3.23 in EPTU, in preparation for it dropping to LIVE. If you are like me you have a LOT of time invested in your keybind setup. In most cases, you should be able to safely save your keybinds in the advanced menu in order to later import them. Major updates to LIVE often requires this due to changes in the game to avoid corrupted configs.
3.23 introduces master modes, and by default the B key now cycles between SCM and NAV modes. However, on importing your keybinds from 3.22.1 you may find this has become unbound. You will need to find the Master Modes toggle in advanced keybinds and rebind it to B or your key/control of choice.
At least for me, I had to rebind the throttle on my X56. It is called “strafe” forward, backward, or both in the advanced keybindings.
The new UI in my opinion is much improved over the last, but sometimes it is less obvious what keys to press, and sometime the legend is hidden. R sets a route to your current selection, and C clears the route.
These are the first things I noted, but there are plenty of other changes worth mentioned I may add, but others are free to add to this thread as well.