Ghost Knight

Hi I sent a request to join on the rsi website

My rsi name is Ghost-Knight. Wouldn’t let me use that name on here.

Hello GhostKnight! The forums unfortunately do not accept a dash “-” . Follow the steps behind this link to join ADI:

When you have learned what we can offer you and what we expect of you, join our mumble server for an onboarding. If you have questions about our naming policy, you can come to mumble and we’ll sort it out.

Hi and welcome @GhostKnight1 to ADI glad to see you on bored and if you need anything. Don’t hesitate to send me a PM on here, discord or just grab me if you see me on Mumble and I’ll do my best to help you we are all here to help each other at the end of the day. I’m always about if you just want to fly or play a few rounds of star marine that’s great with me. well hope to see you soon

So I’ll have to pay 5 for the - to take out

No don’t worry about it. You can have a dash in your name as long as 4 first letters are the same. In this case “GHOS” is same in both occasions so there is no problem.

Okay cool.

I put in a application on the rsi website to join ADI

Hello Ghostknight1,

it appears that we already have a member with the name Ghostknight. As you are aware our forum doesnt accept the dash. So i wanted to ask you if you are willing to change your handle to name still not taken and without a dash.

As of Step 3 from out Join ADI site you can see that we need that your RSI handle, moniker, ADI Forum and mumble name match exactly

Ghostknight1 would be possible but i would suggest another name so that we dont mix you two up in an operation.

Just hop on mumble if you have questions about this

Yours sincerley Kolang

Will i need to re register on the forum with new name

We can change your Forum name. I will take care of that.

Change it to DeathStroker

The name will be changed during your onboarding.

I am in the mumble channel sitting in lobby

Welcome to the community GhostKNight / Deathstroker - its great to have you here!

If you ever have any questions or concerns - dont hesitate to reach out to any of the team leads here, on discord, or on mumble - any one of us should be able to get you squared away pretty quickly!

Welcome again and I look forward to getting some game time in with you!

Hello Deathstroker,

I hope your onboarding will be proceeced soon. Nice to have you by ADI.
As you can see, we are a lot of people whc want to help. So if you have any questions, simply ask them.

I hope to see you soon. Fly safe.

Welcome to ADI, I hangout it mumble most nights and am always down to fly feel free top hit me up.

Welcome Deathstroker,

I noticed you’re already working in that name change :wink: lol. Anyway, I just wanted to stop by and say welcome. Let us know if you have any questions.

Welcome once again!

Welcome Deathstroker!