Galentine aka (BeakerNeedsLoveToo) Introduction

Hello everyone, this is BeakerNeedsLoveToo from Hyndrosa’s Twitch stream. Somehow Hyndrosa talked me into backing Star Citizen, and hearing how much love he has for Atlas Defense Industries, I decided to become part of the ADI family as well. I love what you all have built in support of the game, and look forward to seeing even more. I work a lot, but keep up-to-date with the state of development via the stream. Star Citizen seems very ambitious, and it looks beautiful! I look forward to meeting many of you throughout various events and the Verse when I can.


Glad to have yall.

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Welcome in ADI

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Welcome to ADI! Real life first, so join us when you have time! We have lots of active members so you’ll have no problems finding a team when you do have time to play.
Look forward to meeting in the 'verse!

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Welcome to ADI! Hopefully we can keep you as entertained as Hyndrosa’s amazing work does. See you in the 'verse!

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Hey, that’s great to hear, @Galentine! I too ended up joining ADI because of @Hyndrosa1. He’s a super cool dude and I’ve made a lot of friends in the org since then. If you need help or have any questions with anything, just let me know. I’m a regular in the Mumble server and I like helping people make money to buy ships and whatnot :smiley:

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Welcome @Galentine ! Looking forward to seeing you around!

Welcome to ADI @Galentine !!! If you ever want to get into cargo running hit me up on discord or mumble! See you in the verse!!!

Welcome to ADI! were more than happy to have you on our team and hopefully your next run in SC is much better with us!

Howdy and welcome to ADI! Look forward to seeing you in the verse and having fun.

welcome @Galentine! hope to game with ya soon!

welcome @Galentine, Glad Hyndrosa talked you into joining!

Welcome welcome! I think we are all in for a big treat when the game finally is finished and I feel like all the time and energy (and money) will have been well spent when we are able to enjoy the final product.