Fire modes

What’s the benefit to staggered fire versus sync fire on turrets? The best thing I could find was being related to heat disputation which for my understanding isn’t really part of the game yet.

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Specifically when using slower firing cannons, you may be able to get more shots on target. Firing them together typically means if you miss one shot, you miss both. Staggered allows you to track targets better.

That’s the only advantage I know of.

Application of damage is easier due to a denser string of fire, but actual hits are more likely to be spread over an area rather than focused by convergence and a simultaneous hit.

Think twin gun turret. You can fire two synch’d rounds with space between pairs based on fire rate, or you can fill that void in between with one of the rounds. If both hit in scenario one, they’re going to hit close to the same spot together. If both hit in scenario two, they will be spread out by any movement between strikes. In scenario one, if you miss they both miss. In scenario two, one of them is hypothetically more likely to hit.

My basic rule is…against medium to large ships don’t stagger. Against small, agile ships, use stagger. It only takes one round to reset a light fighter’s shield cooldown and keep it from regenerating shields.


Exactly what Frakk said here:
My basic rule is…against medium to large ships don’t stagger. Against small, agile ships, use stagger. It only takes one round to reset a light fighter’s shield cooldown and keep it from regenerating shields.

When in turrets I’ve been using stagger when simply trying to nip the recharge off of shields then switch back when I’m feeling confident of a hit. I find myself switching between movement modes, rotation and that re-centre button is useful if you’ve lost target and occasionally orientation.