Cant connect to mumble


I have been gone for a while. new computer getting setup. I have been following the instructions, it will not let me connect with the attached error message. fairly vague.

I am trying to use dr_spinaltap as my username everywhere. not sure what the deal is.

i think i know what it is, I think I would need to have the original .crt from the old computer. (which is gone)

still need help

I got it sorted out, had to change my username to something the system does not know. from there I was able to talk to people to help out with getting my old cert removed and my new cert registered and my name changed.

For those who may find this topic in the future:

Change your name to have a “1” at the end of it and join the server - a staff member will know how to handle the situation.

EG: i would join the server with Infandus1