I’m new to SC. I’m looking to join up and find people to play with. I’ve played elite dangerous in the past. I enjoy long walks on the beach and late night war talk. Let me know how to get involved. Thanks.
Welcome to ADI be sure to pop in the discord and join a group tons of exp players in here.
Lol. Late night war talks on the beach? I’m not so sure you’ll find that here.
Good group of people to play SC with? Yeah - you’ll find that here. Good luck, and hope you join up!
Happy to have you with us SharkyB, anything you need assistance with feel free to reach out to any of us!
It was great getting to talk to you Sharky! welcome to ADI and I hope you make many friends.
Welcome to ADI!
I am sure you will find people to play with here in this organization! Whenever you see me in VC and want to play, hop in and we will get you up to speed so you can join us in whatever we are doing!
I don’t know, let’s be friends and we’ll see where it goes.
Thanks for the warm welcome. I’ve just booted up 4.0 last night. I honestly thought I was in the newest version when I started a few weeks ago. But Hurly set me straight. Was just tring to get my space legs going again with the new character, the bugs were rough on start up last night, but finally smoothed out. I’ll jump into discord soon.
thank you, will do
Welcome to ADI, SharkyB. It’s a great time to start playing SC. Defintely check the forums and calendar for upcoming events such as org training and org ops. A great way to get a sense of the org.
Welcome to ADI! Will be glad to see you in the verse!
Welcome SharkyB,
LOL, long walks on the beach huh? do you even live near a beach :D.
Hope you like Star Citizen more then Elite, once you get past dealing with bugs and the alpha state of the game it is really great. so hang in there and don’t give up on it. You won’t be disappointed.
Don’t forget to check the forums often and watch the calendar. Sign up for any org ops or training that interest you. it will help you when the time comes.
see you out there. o7
Hey! Welcome aboard. I to enjoy walks on the beach. Best way to get involved is keep a eye on the calendar. We’re getting ready to ramp up events soon. Looking forward to seeing you in the verse
Ill try. I play as much as possible, usually a lot. My schedule is dictated by wife and kids so i tend to stay up too late or somwtimes have eratic hours, on and off, up and down as i need to. Im usually on in the evenings from 8 to 9 cst to 11ish and most weekends i can jump on in the afternoon and sometimes earlier evenings.
Yeah, Hurly is good like that. Welcome to ADI, Sharky! I am also a fan of long walks on the beach and being in a way western time zone means I get war talk well into the night. See you in the verse, new-friend (Starfinder reference for those in the know)!
Im central time and usually on between 8pm amd 1pm. If you see me, feel free to reach out and show me some direction.
I got super frustrated last night between buggy missions and dieing 3 times from buggy junk…like a crate bouncing around that hit me. Finally just called it quits for the night.
Im going to try and get into the marine boot camp tonight but sometimes its hard for me to jump on at specific times, the earlier in the evening the worse. After wife and kids go to bed i can be up as late as i can be and still get to work the next day. So you being more western could put us closer to time.
Ah, understandable RL first. And we all get frustrated in game at times but there’s always another day or another game loop to try while we wait. Btw, the MBT is tomorrow night so you’re not missing anything tonight. If you’re able to make it tomorrow, I will see you then.