
Hello all,

I am pretty green to star citizen and am happy to be in ADI to learn and have some fun. I have started off with the Aurora (she’s been pretty nice so far) and have lots of interests but may be looking at transportation and mining to start. Cheers

Welcome to the ADI family hope to fly with you soon

Hey Romeo! Not sure what you prefer to be called by in general, but if you let people know here they’ll usually be glad to use whatever name you like. Aurora’s not a bad place to start off - ask around, there are numerous upgrades you can buy with in-game cash that’s pretty easy to come by to make it more capable in terms of guns or things like a better quant drive that’ll save you some time shuttling around. Don’t feel like you need to dump RL cash into this game - most ships that are flyable become purchasable in-game pretty quickly, and things like mining, bounty hunting, etc. will get you some in-game funds to play around with new ships you might wanna try out (or just rent for a short time).

I don’t know that I gave you the link to certifications in your onboarding (apologies) but here it is for your reference - again, many of these are self-paced so you can read and certify at your leisure, and the ones that require a training course are usually pretty fun and a good opportunity to meet your fellow ADI members. You’ll see them pop up on the calendar or as new topics in the forum, so keep an eye out.

Hello Romeo, welcome to ADI. see you in the verse soon, find us on Mumble most evenings (Europe time). Sharpe

Hello Romeo, welcome to ADI! Plenty of people here joined when they were completely new to the game (me included) and we still all figured it out at one point. Everyone here will help you and answer any questions you might have, so feel free to ask about anything. Other than that the Aurora is a nice little ship to start with and I look forward to seeing you in the Verse!

Welcome to ADI!

hope to see you in the verse

Welcome to ADI

Welcome to ADI RomeoWhiskeyEcho. I’m glad you joined the team. I look forward to running into you.

Welcome RWE to the best Org in the 'verse. I’ll see you out there soon enough. Cheers