
Hi everyone, I’m an original backer and evocati member. I’ve been playing since the start. I’m a big fan of CR, and played all the Wing Commander series when they were released. I love all aspects of SC, but focus mostly on bounties and space combat.

I’m a game developer hobyist, and wanted to build my own Star Citizen like world 30 years ago. I’ve put together this short video. I’m also the creator of StarKeys-VMFD, a GameGlass type of app, but StarKeys is more about being a community project, allowing people to create their own panels for any game or business function. I’m excited to be here and looking forward to meeting everyone.

**Star Citizen and Star Quest Montage video **

**StarKeys-vMFD intro video: **

Great chatting with you today!!! Welcome to ADI, brother. May this be a fulfilling experience. Everyone say hi!

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Welcome to ADI i too love the space combat and running bounties and this game is like a dream slowly coming true i look forward to meeting you and maybe running some bounties together cant wait to work with you in the verse

Thanks Zach, I’m very excited to be joining, and seeing some stability come to 4.0.1 and beyond. I think it’s going to be a good year.

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Welcome to ADI! Be sure to check out the calendar, there are a couple of combat pilot training sessions every week, excited to have you here and looking forward to seeing you out in the 'verse

Welcome in bud, glad to see a new face around. look foward to seeing you around, hope you enjoy being a part of ADI

Welcome to ADI! Looking forward to hanging out with you!

Hey Master Chief, welcome to ADI. That is awesome that you develop games for a hobby, I have thought about it but I dont have the know how to be able to but if you ever need a hand in the verse let me know I am always happy to help!

Good to have you Master_Chief! Welcome to ADI!