Krake001's intro

Hey all, my Name is David in real life and im living in Germany. Im new to SC and mainly interested in the CSS Division. Im looking forward to meet new people and have a great time in the org :slight_smile:


Welcome to ADI!

Whenever you see me in the voice channels feel free to hop in and we can pick you up in whatever we are doing! I myself am from Belgium so timezone is matching which is always nice :slight_smile:

Hey there! Welcome to the org! Im in CSS as well, so if you ever wanna run around a shoot stuff im down.

Was great talking with you! If you have any questions please feel free to reach out, also don’t be afraid to join in on the discord chats. Glad to have you here, and hope you enjoy your time.

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Welcome to the Team! CSS is a great place to be! Hope to see you around! Feel free to reach out if you need anything!

Welcome to ADI Krake001,

Hope you find what you are looking for here at ADI, Star Citizen is truly a great game something we’ve all dreamed about for years and so glad Chris Roberts is able to make his dream and our dream a reality. So buckle up fire up those engines and fly around.

Don’t forget to check the forums often and sign up for ORG OPS and training opportunities that interest you, these will help you with communication and generally just having a great time within SC.

see you out there o7.

Glad to have you with us Krake001, theres always great people here, and happy to share experience, and missions alike!

Welcome to ADI!! Happy to have you on board!

Great! Welcome aboard Krake! Glad to have you join us. Looking forward to adventuring together.

Welcome to ADI, Krake001! CSS is a comfortable home. See you around the division chat!

Welcome to ADI im also from europe look forward to running bounties with you