Introduction - The-Foreigner

Hello peeps, Foreigner here, saw SC years ago but never bothered playing it. finally tried it almost a month ago and my mind was blown. Saw ADI and loved the info i read so here iam.

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Welcome to ADI ! Try to regularly keep forums, Discord, and Mumble open. That will help you sync up with all the fun activity. (Those who don’t tend to miss out.) :+1:

thank you :slight_smile:

Welcome. The same thing happened to me. I totally forgot about the game and then decided to try it. I first played when all we had was the hanger. They have come a long way and are going even further. If you get a chance, check out the Youtube videos from this years Citizen Con. See you in the verse!

Welcome to ADI! SC is a crazy complex but amazing game, and its better with a team for sure.
See you in the 'verse.

Welcome to ADI, @The-Foreigner. Glad to have you aboard!