Introduction - Slikus Vaw

Hey all, so I’m relatively new to Star Citizen, I’ve been playing for about a week. I’m Interested in getting better in the flight aspects and combat-oriented aspects. I’ve gotten the hang of the basics but want to get better at this game and play with others since I have no one to play with atm. I’m down to do anything really and learn all aspects of this game to be more well-rounded and have knowledge of it. I’ll be most active Friday nights and weekends.


Welcome aboard!

Welcome to ADI. See you in Mumble

Welcome to the org!

Welcome to ADI, Slikus Vaw! I’m on most evenings atm. Give me a shout and we can go over basics together.

welcome to ADI

Welcome to ADI, we all learn about the game everyday, I’ll see you in Mumble… again welcome

Welcome to ADI Slikus, I hope you like what you find here at adi there is a great group of leaders and members here, jump in mumble and join the fun.

ADI runs on these forums and few discord posts. Keep checking the forums and sign up for whatever suits you. see you out there.