Introduction: Moshine

Good day,

I’m Moshine, but you can just call me Ken, or Kenny.
I’ve been playing this game for about a week now, and I’m loving it.
I’ve played the absolute shit out of Space Engineers, Elite Dangerous and Freelancer back in the day. It would suffice to say, I love space sims.

About me: I’m 29, I live in north ontario, I have a wife and two boys (3, and 8 months)
and a beautiful dog. I’ve been in the CAF for about 4 years, looking forward to another 4 years. I can be vulgar, and my sense of humour is dry and sarcastic, sorry not sorry. If you have any questions about me, send it.

As far as gaming goes, I’ve always enjoyed mining and transporting. I was a transport pilot in BF2, BFBC2, BF3 and more recently Squad - I also enjoy fulfilling a medic role, as well as a combat role.

TL:DR I’m Kenny, I punch rock and sell dirt.

Nice to have you! What kind of dog do you have?

We have many ops what work well for transportation!! Make sure to sign up!

Welcome to ADI!

Welcome to the org Ken! Its great to have someone else in the org with a dry sens of humor. Hope to see you in the verse!

Transport is dangerous right now, server issues. Mining is safer, always looking for people to help me mine in my multi crew mining ship, Mole. Hit me up anytime and welcome aboard

Sweet dude, I also have a mole, maybe we could get some large ass crew together and fill up a cat

Welcome Moshine! Northern Ontario, CAF member, do I sense a Winnipeg Jets fan? There are Space Engineer players in the Org, and many other games too. if you need any help just let us know.

Welcome Moshine, plenty of miners here. Look for multicrew opportunities, anything fun in game is more fun with others!

Welcome to ADI Kenny!!! Nice having you! I also played a lot of Freelancer back in the day =) What kind of ship do toy currently fly?
I hope to see you in the verse soon!

Sine metu

Welcome to ADI Moshine. I was good to meet you this morning. Where in Ontario are you; Timmins? Kapuskasing? Moosonee? I played in Sudbury as a kid and then went back for college. No matter, I look forward to running ops with you.

I live in Petawawa, Algonquin college is about 20 minutes from me. It’s across the river from Quebec/Ottawa.

@Flaxx83 I currently have a Cutlass Black, and a Mole. I also have an Ursa but I’ve been having trouble figuring out how to be able to spawn a ground vehicle and a ship at the same time.

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Easiest way is probably to land at a miningstationwith your ship and spawn the ground vehicle there and park it in your ship =)

Welcome Kenny-Moshine! This game is really good at catching the attention! Hope to see you out there.

Petawawa; I’ve been through there so many times. My folks were from Sudbury and after they moved to the Ottawa valley we’d make the trip through Petawawa every time we went to my grandparents’ place and back again. As a matter of fact, I think my cousin’s boy is there, or near there now. Small world. Any ways, I’m glad to have you in ADI brother.

Hi And welcome! Also been playing a lot of squad! Great game. Always good to have someone who likes to play medic haha! hope to see you in the verse!

Greetings moshine welcome to adi if you’re ever looking for a game of squad or similar games im pretty sure theres plenty of peepz willing to join. :wink:

welcome dude to ADI i think you mispelt moonshine :wink:

@khaosreigns Nah my dude, but I think you misspelled “misspelled”, spelt is a plant :wink:

@MTDRS-Moshine you are correct i misspelled it., by only an “S” misspelt is a real word (also for the record i am mildly dyslexic)

Welcome! It’s so good to meet you. Let me know if you need anything or have any questions!

Welcome to ADI Moshine! Enjoy mining, so if you ever need crew for your Mole hit me up.