Introduction: Haylenn

Welcome to ADI Heylenn. There’s never a need to apologize here. Are you Quebecois or from France? I was born in la belle province. There’s lots of guys just like you here in the org and I’m glad to have to all.

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I’m from LYON, in France, and I’m happy to see another francophones in the place

Sorry to disappoint. Although I believe Parisienne French to be a most beautiful language, sadly, I do not speak it.

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Welcome to ADI, you found a good org. to associate and fly with. I am hoping we will get to fly soon, I’ll see you out there mate.

Welcome to ADI Haylenn, i see you in the verse

Welcome haylenn! Is your name is reflecting a god from an old 2ed d&d campaign setting called birthright? Just curious lol

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Nice revival there, Hakuna Matata, we’ve all done it. Or some of us have :slight_smile:

Welcome to ADI, good to have you with us :slight_smile:

Welcome welcome, Haylenn!

We go out in fully crewed moles quite a bit so please don’t hesitate to jump in on mumble and we’d love to take you out! I also love the Reclaimer, salvage is almost here, keep the faith.