Introduction: CallSign_Reaper

Hey there. Currently only backed with a Cutlass Black, However at this point, I have something like 10-15 ships purchased in game(atleast until a wipe happens). Willing to lend any and all of my ships to support the cause, but I am more focused towards combat, escort, and support operations. Been a backer since 2014ish(can’t remember exactly), but only recently came back in 3.12 or 3.11. Looking to join a good group of people, and hopefully learn more about this janky clunky thing we all love

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Welcome to ADI SwampFox. I’'m glad you joined the team. I look forward to running ops with you.

Hi @CallSign_Reaper , welcome to ADI. See you in Mumble

Hey there SwampFox. Glad you were able to get the name change done, and welcome to ADI. See you in the 'verse! Also, don’t knock the Cutty Black. Best all-around ship for just about any hijinx you may find yourself in. :wink:

Confused… Is it Reaper, CallSign, or Swampfox? Anyway, welcome to ADI. I’m also a Cutty Black fan (backed with a Black and a Origin 135). See you in the 'verse.

Greetings SwampFox, welcome to ADI! Looks like youve been farming the verse quite a while. Glad to have you on our side :slight_smile: