Intro: EvilEdog

Hello Everyone, just joined, been play SC for several years but never had an ORG. Looking forward to finally play SC with people rather than solo. See you all in the Verse.


Welcome to ADI EvilDog. I’m glad you joined the team. I look forward to running ops with you.

Welcome to ADI. I’m noob!

Welcome to ADI!. My experience is you will almost always find someone to team up with in the org, any time of day or night. Look forward to teaming up with you around the 'verse!

Welcome welcome. Orgs are great way to enjoy SC. See ya in the Verse!

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Thanks Altavous!

Hello there, Welcome to adi! Looking forward to see u in the verse.

Welcome to ADI EvilEdog . Check our calander to see whats going on . Hope to see you soon in the verse !

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Thank you Rubbenskii! Glad to be here. I hope to get on the Survey Exersize this Friday!

Heh. Your name threw me for a couple loops - welcome aboard, EvilEdog. Will have to ask you about the origin of that sometime. Definitely hit us up for an op or just some tomfoolery in Public Play when you’re ready to get going with a group - we tend to form up to tackle missions or outings together, just speak up and ask for a party invite if folks already have something going.

Welcome! I hope we will make your experience with the game better!
Together the game could feel new and refreshing.
See you around in the verse!

I love the name, nice to see more animals coming onboard. Welcome to ADI!

Hi EvilEdog and welcome to ADI.

Be sure to check the Website calendar to see when the next Org Op is. They are really well planned and a very good way to get to know other members of ADI. :slight_smile:

Anyways once again, welcome to the Org and hope to see you in an Op.

Hello and welcome to ADI!