Hello all and thank you for the invite to the Org. Happy to be a part.

Hi Dvality.

Hope to see you soon! When you were looking over the divisions what caught your eye?

Hello Dvality and welcome to ADI! We’re glad to have you with us.

Welcome Welcome DVALITY,

Tell us about your name. Where does it come from? how’s it pronounced? It’s quite interesting looking.


Hi Dvality,

Great to have you with us here at ADI! Looking forward to gaming with you in Star Citizen. All the best

Hey all and thanks again. Look forward to gaming with you guys too.
Definitely interested in exploration and private contracting or fleet security. Loved my sabre when in had it before upgrading to the aquila. Hope to get sabre again.

Name is pronounced Duality. I just changed it to be spelled DVALITY for some uniqueness. As for how it came about my buddy just kinda started it as I have always been into the kinda “out there reality.” Pretty much a big reason I like video games. Living in another world.
Embrace the nightmare. Things that scare you, bad situations. Turn them to your favour and take control of it.
Anyway he kinda thought it fit me and it has stuck.

Other then that. I’m 30, married, and have a 1 1/2 year old girl.
I live in a small town Wynyard, Saskatchewan, Canada.
Love everything about star citizen. #IWANT3.0 lol.

Can’t wait to get in the verse with you guys!

Hi Dvality,
Welcome to ADI. I’m glad you’re here. Connecting with others on our mumble and discord servers us a great way to make some friends and get to know us.

Thanks Quelori.

I will definitely jump into mumble as soon as I can.

Thanks for sharing the story about your name and a bit about yourself. That’s interesting how you got your name.

Hi Dvality,

nice to have you onboard with us. Most of us can’t wait for 3.0 and test the planetside (or moonside) landing, Racing on the surface and start dealing with goods. Maybe the new ATV give more information, how the start for evocati stands

see you soon
