Hi I'm Valaziel Nice to meet ya's

Hi Im a long time player I’m experienced in a lot of the logistics, salvaging and mining game loops. I’m on pretty much daily and am always happy to help others.

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Welcome to ADI, good to see new faces around, look forwards to seeing you in the verse

Welcome to ADI not too used to those game loops but im happy to run bounties with you it was great talking with you and look forward to working with you soon

Nice to have you in ADI Valaziel! What makes us great is the community that has been built. Always good to have veteran players and new players, it really expands the knowledge of ADI and to help others conquer the universe!

Welcome to ADI Valaziel! There’s lots of resources available for whichever activities you’re getting into. Looking forward to seeing you around in the 'verse

Great to have you! I guess logistic’s will come in handy when the base building will come into play. Looking forward to see you in the verse !

Welcome to ADI! Looking forward to playing with you in game!

Welcome to the Org! If you ever need anything or are looking for someone to run with feel free to reach out and I would be more than happy to join you! I am more into the logistics side of the game myself!