
Hey everybody, I’m interested in join my first org. ADI seem like the best fit for me. I’m interested in the exploration and commerce aspect of the game. Thanks for the opportunity to join.

Hi Heartbreak!

Glad to have you here! Two really fascinating areas of interest, I think I’ll leave the commerce to the economists but will see you out exploring!

I’ve found one of the best ways to really get the most out of being a member is to join Mumble regularly and participate in discussions on Discord. Hope to see you on there!


Welcome to ADI!

Welcome to ADI Heartbreak, we are glad to have you.

Welcome to ADI Heartbreak, which ships do you have/plan to use for commerce and exploration?

Welcome Heartbreak,

Glad to have you with us in exploration and commerce. Looking forward to playing with you soon. Be sure to check out a flight night and hop on mumble. All the best to you