ADI Aussie members, where you all at?

Heya folks, just a quick call out to my Aussie brethren - I’m spending night after night alone on Mumble presently, and I’m wondering under what rocks all my Aussie brethren are hiding? :wink:

Got another Aussie mate I may drag in here with me shortly, and I know he’ll be relatively active, but still not much of a party with 2 of us! Especially with 2.6.1 giving us servers for Star Marine etc in Sydney, it’s a great time for us to start ramping up our activity a bit more, and getting a good handle on how the various segments of SC are shaping up with less latency!

There are a bunch of folks in the org in those time zones. Many are not active yet due to the state of the game. Obviously we’re trying to recruit more members in what we call the ‘far east’.

We are Actually " Down Under "
The game is starting to grow to a point i might start playing it.
I’ll try to be more active


Hey All,

When 3.0 comes out later this year hopefully more people will be online.
I too have been on often when no-one else in the org is active.
Perhaps we can join up, I’m in Perth WA

You summoned an Australian!?

Jokes aside, I’m just waiting for my lovely lovely space ambulance to be reworked. (cutlass ftw)

American in Aussie land here. I have been MIA while the game was being developed but am getting back on to brush up on some skills. I will def be down for groups as things ramp up.
